What are Some Ways that Dentists Can Reverse Gum Disease?
If you have been told you have gingivitis, you will want to do whatever necessary to reverse the process before it progresses. There are a few ways you can battle this beginning of gum disease, under the direction of your dentist. If your gingivitis has one on to the next level, periodontal disease, you will also have some options in treatment. Here are some of the ways dentists will recommend you do if you have gingivitis or periodontal disease.
Gingivitis is the beginning stage of gum disease. At this stage you will still be able to completely reverse the process, avoiding more invasive treatments. Gingivitis can be reversed with a regular brushing and flossing regime. When plaque builds up on the teeth, it turns into tartar, which will embed underneath the gums, causing gingivitis to occur.
The symptoms include redness, swollen gums, and excessive bleeding when brushing. Step up your oral hygiene efforts and add the use of a water pick to your procedure to help remove plaque from between teeth.
Another way gingivitis can be stopped is by having a scaling procedure done. Your dentist will use an instrument to scrape the tartar that has become embedded underneath the gums. The gum will be lifted away from the tooth so the instrument can get underneath to remove the tartar. You would need to be diligent in brushing and flossing to keep gingivitis from returning after the procedure is done.
Periodontal Disease
If you have been told you have periodontal disease, brushing will not be enough to help your gums. You will need to have a dentist access your situation in order to recommend which course of action would be best for you.
There are many methods used when periodontal disease is prominent. When periodontal disease occurs, the tartar underneath the gums has become so thick that the underlying tissue will become infected. The bone may start to deteriorate and this will cause teeth to loosen. You will eventually lose teeth if it is left untreated.
Gum flap surgery is one method used to help get the tartar off of your teeth underneath your gums. You would need to see a periodontist to perform a surgery where the gums are cut and the teeth are scraped. The gums would then be resewn. Another method is the use of laser gum treatment. A laser would remove all bacteria from underneath your gums. This is often done in conjunction with an extensive scaling treatment.
If the periodontal disease has progressed significantly, you may need a root planing. This is the scraping of the root of the tooth to remove tartar and plaque. In dire cases a bone graft may need to be done to help rebuild the bone so you do not lose your teeth.
Consider using resources such as http://www.neufamilydental.com to find out what could help reverse your gum disease.