4 Tooth-Brushing Tips To Start Taking Seriously

Brushing teeth twice a day is something that everyone should be doing to help prevent tooth decay, cavities, and many other oral health problems. However, just because you are brushing your teeth twice a day doesn't mean that you are doing it correctly enough to truly be taking care of your smile. Here are four brushing tips you should start taking seriously:

  1. Brush Softly:  Many people brush their teeth too vigorously. The reason for this is that many people believe this is the best way to remove bacteria in the mouth. The problem with this is that it can damage the tooth enamel. Bacteria can easily be removed with soft brushing because it's not stubborn enough to stick to the teeth where a light brushing won't do the job. It's important that you are brushing softly and with a toothbrush that is made with soft bristles, as well. 
  2. Brush for Two Minutes: Many people also brush their teeth too quickly. The problem with this is that you miss a lot of bacteria in your mouth when you are only brushing for a short amount of time. If you have a hard time brushing for this long, try setting a timer and reminding yourself of areas that you have missed. You need to not only brush your teeth, but also your gums, the back of your teeth, your tongue, and the roof of your mouth. 
  3. Change Your Toothbrush: It's important that you change out your toothbrush often. Many people go too long with the same toothbrush, and the problem with this is that the toothbrush becomes worn and the bristles will no longer be durable enough to do their job. The best rule of thumb is to replace your toothbrush every 3 or 4 months.
  4. Use an Electric Toothbrush: Instead of a basic toothbrush, you should consider investing in an electric toothbrush. This is because electric toothbrushes are designed to reach in harder-to-reach places. On top of this, these toothbrushes are designed to be similar to the tools used in a dental office. You could even invest in an electric toothbrush that has a built-in timer that will help you brush your teeth for two minutes. 

When you utilize these four tooth-brushing tips, you can be sure that you are taking care of your smile in the best way possible. By doing these things, you can also impress your dentist, making your dental visits go much smoother. 

For more information, speak to a dental professional such as Gayle S. Cox, Jr., DDS.
