Helpful Tips For Flossing With Braces

Flossing is an integral part of a good oral hygiene regimen. The fact that you have braces doesn't change this. However, when flossing with braces, there are certain precautions you want to take in order to protect your teeth and your dental appliance. Make sure you know how to brush correctly for the best results. Choose Floss Wisely The first thing you want to do is choose the correct type of floss. Read More 

4 Tooth-Brushing Tips To Start Taking Seriously

Brushing teeth twice a day is something that everyone should be doing to help prevent tooth decay, cavities, and many other oral health problems. However, just because you are brushing your teeth twice a day doesn't mean that you are doing it correctly enough to truly be taking care of your smile. Here are four brushing tips you should start taking seriously: Brush Softly:  Many people brush their teeth too vigorously. Read More 

How To Overcome Your Fear Of Going To The Dentist

Your dentist is on your side. In fact, dentists are on the front lines of ensuring that their patients enjoy good oral health, and they are eager to offer advice and self-care tips to keep your pearly whites shining. If you have been avoiding the dentist like the plague because of your fears or a sad experience at another dentist's office, there is hope. A positive dental office can help set your fears at ease and so can the following tips. Read More 

An Overview Of The Lingual Arch Space Maintainer For Children

The loss of a baby tooth before the permanent one is ready to grow in could cause future dental problems for your child. A baby tooth not only helps your children chew food while they are young, but the teeth also preserve the pathway the permanent teeth follow through the gums as they grow in. The pathway can be interrupted by surrounding teeth moving into the space vacated by the missing tooth or teeth. Read More 

3 Reasons To Get Dental Implants Instead Of Dentures

If your teeth are in especially bad shape, your dentist might recommend a dramatic fix to the problem. You may be given the option to have dental implants or dentures installed. If you find yourself in this situation, you will have a lot to think about. Dentures are generally the cheaper option but if you go that route, you will be giving up the benefits dental implants can provide. Here are three reasons why it might be worth spending the extra cash to get dental implants instead of dentures. Read More