Important Things To Know About A Child With Overbite

Do all of your children have top teeth that noticeably hang over the bottom ones? It is possible that your children have inherited a condition that is known as overbite. You might want to make a prompt appointment with a family dentist to find out which type of treatment is ideal for watch of your children. Below, you will discover a few of the important things that you should know about overbite. Read More 

Dental Emergencies And How You Should Respond

Dental emergencies can arise out of the blue. However, if you are able to recognize the serious nature of an emergency and respond appropriately, you may jeopardize your dental health. Here is a bit of information about dental emergencies and the measures you should take: What constitutes a dental emergency? A dental emergency is a situation involving the teeth that requires immediate professional dental care. A serious situation, such as a dislodged tooth or a severe dental crack or chip, often necessitates professional dental treatment and can typically not wait until the next day. Read More 

3 Reasons To See Your Dentist For Periodontal Treatments

One of the most important services that a dentist can provide is periodontal treatments, mostly because of the many issues that those treatments can help you avoid. Periodontal disease is an advanced form of gum disease that occurs when your gum disease gets to the point where the area around your tooth is inflamed. Listed below are three reasons to see your dentist about periodontal treatments. Prevent Future Health Complications One of the most important reasons to have your periodontal disease treated as soon as possible is that the damage that it can cause is not going to be limited to your teeth and gums. Read More 

2 Things To Avoid When Whitening Your Teeth With Natural Substances

If you are thinking of whitening your teeth using natural methods, there are still some precautions that you should take. Even when traditional chemical whiteners are not being used in your whitening process, you should not just throw caution to the wind. Here are a few things you should avoid doing when whitening your teeth with natural substances. Don't Leave Strawberries or Vinegar on the Teeth for Long Periods Strawberries and vinegar contain a substance called malic acid that is known to remove dental stains. Read More 

Same-Day Crowns: Debunking the Biggest Misconceptions for the Average Patient

Just making it in to see a dentist for a regular checkup can be a challenge in itself with a busy schedule, but if you have to have work done, this can make it even more trying to fit in the time. This is especially true when it comes to something like a dental crown, which may very well require more than one or two visits, each involving well more than a few minutes. Read More